What is KanbanBOX

Reach the full potential of kanban in the whole supply chain with digitalization

Ekanban replenishment process with KanbanBOX

KanbanBOX is the web software that empowers your kanban inventory management system:

  • Overcome traditional kanban’s physical limitsm, making it possible to easily and smoothly manage multi-process productions, authomatically creating all tha kanban cards needed for the different stages and the related lead times
  • Take advantages of digitalization, taking track of material flows and status, processes dependecies and possible alerts and suggestions, like on kanban dimensioning
  • Extend the benefits of kanban beyond company boundaries, making it applicable with your Suppliers and Customers. This means making the replenishment activity from thirt parts more fast, easy and jus-in-time

3 steps to Digitalize your Kanban system

Print kanban cards with barcodes

The software authomatically generates the kanban card to attach on bins, box and containers

Scan the barcode on the card

You don’t need anymore to remove and physically deliver the kanban cards to other units

Install digital screens

Replace physical boards by screens with browser connection (screen, PC, tablet…)

Benefits of KanbanBOX

Save up to 80% of time dedicated to execution

Save up to 80% of time dedicated to execution thanks to the use of the most appropriate tools to size new kanbans and print cards. In this way you can dedicate yourself to important strategic activities, such as the extension and continuous improvement of the kanban system.

Scanning a Kanban card on a kanban box thanks to KanbanBOX ekanban

Keep track of all kanbans in circulation in real time

Keep track of all the kanbans in circulation and make kanban information accessible to all the people who need it, when they need it. Accessing KanbanBOX is quick and easy: all you need is a device connected to the Internet such as screens, tablets, smartphones or computers.

Milk Run - KanbanBOX collects a list of all the components to be replenished

Extend the benefits of kanban to the whole supply chain

Extend the benefists of kanban inventory management within not only your plant, but the whole organization and supply chain with a single click. Connect with them via KanbanBOX and start collaborating on the sizing of new kanbans, communicating the emptying of each individual container and new orders in real time.

KanbanBOX is the ekanban for the supply chain

A case study to Lean Global Connection 2024

To share the knowledge about the opportunities to solve the limits of physical kanban inventory with digitalization, KanbanBOX will partecipate to Lean Global Connection as main sponsor, bringing a case study of a high-complexity company who succeded in a full lean transformation applying the kanban system through suppliers and multi-process productions

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Because of the time limits of our speech during Lean Global Connection 2024, we had to cut down some interesting in-depth about the case study.

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