KanbanBOX for sales and distribution

The management of supplies using the kanban service

Ekanban software with for sales and distribution

Are you an industrial supplier? Do you want to stand out in the supply of class C items by organising the warehouse and supermarket of your customers in an efficient, advantageous, transparent and competitive way?

Choose KanbanBOX, simplify the supply process and increase the value of your service!

An integrated logistics system for

winning supply performance

Why choose an integrated logistics software for electronic sales management? For the customer, a kanban sales service is a tool that delegates the management of the reordering and procurement of components to the supplier, capable of simplifying the activity of the procurement office, automating the exchange of information and maintaining the sizing of the kanbans to the required extent and always in line with market demand.

KanbanBOX is the Supply Chain Management solution that allows you to:

  • sell with a capillary and customised kanban sales service
  • reduce warehouse management costs
  • meet the needs of your customers
  • introduce yourself to the market with a new method of digital supply that is efficient, flexible and close to the customer.

The KanbanBOX  electronic kanban system (e-kanban) allows you work with an innovative tool, capable of streamlining the sales process, minimising waste and saving everybody time and resources.

The benefits for your customers

The KanbanBOX electronic kanban system (e-kanban) allows you to show you work with an innovative tool, capable of streamlining the sales process, minimising waste and saving everyone time and resources.


The application of Pull System concepts to supply operations managed by KanbanBOX allows the establishment of profitable relationships with your customers, based on cooperation, transparency and trust. Making you a competitive and winning supplier on the market!

As well as building customer loyalty, KanbanBOX ensures you have a broader and long-term vision. Take advantage of the benefits deriving from the Just in Time approach and the possibility of being integrated into an enlarged Supply Chain, with new and multiple business possibilities!

Stand out in sales with the kanban service:

  • providing valuable, efficient and turnkey logistics consultancy
  • ensuring shorter and more reliable delivery times
  • providing a customised packaging service with material that is already labelled

Th benefits for you

KanbanBOX enables the creation of collaborative and transparent relationships between customers and suppliers, giving you the time to build intelligent relationships, reducing waste, improving supply flows and reducing management costs.

By integrating the KanbanBOX web interface with the company management system, you then obtain the maximum efficiency of the accounting processes, such as the automatic insertion of sales orders and the automatic loading of the outgoing material on the system.

With KanbanBOX you can:

  • reduce the number of reminders and emergencies
  • obtain immediate visibility on customer consumption, also accessible on the move with Android and IOS apps
  • have sales orders automatically entered in the company management system
  • forward the information directly to the warehouse or production point
  • trace the entire logistics flow
  • reduce the costs of managing orders and working capital.


Simplify Just in Time supplies. KanbanBOX is the tool that, in all industrial sectors, helps suppliers to simplify the process of supplying materials to their customers.

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Case studies